Thousands of spectators endured long queues and navigated stringent security checkpoints hours ahead of a high profile cricket match on Sunday in Karachi, the first time in nine years that it has hosted a game of such stature. At least 8,000 security personnel that also included armed soldiers guarded the 27,000 capacity National Stadium where Peshawar Zalmi will take on Islamabad United in the third PSL final. “It's (the PSL final) giving a message to the world that Pakistan is a peaceful country and Pakistan will play role in sports,” said 24-year-old spectator Hamza Yousuf Shah, who was waiting in one of several long queues to get into the stadium. “Pakistan is full of cricket fans and it's a great thing that cricket is back in Pakistan, hopefully, it will be a success,” said 16-year-old cricket enthusiast Ria Martin. Love of the game also brought 14-year-old Maaz Ahmed, who uses a wheelchair, to the ground.
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