Quetta Gladiators owner Nadeem Omar has announced a cash prize of Rs500,000 for Karachi Whites after the team beat Islamabad by five wickets to become National One Day Cup champions on Sunday. Nadeem, who also heads the Pakistan Cricket Club, said he was impressed by how the Karachi team chased down an intimidating target of 349 runs in a pressure situation. Quetta Gladiators owner Nadeem Omar/File photo “I’m very pleased to see Karachi as champions of the One Day Cup. It was a delight to watch young Danish Aziz play a whirlwind innings along with senior Fawad Alam, who just can’t stop scoring heavily,” Nadeem said. “At one point, the match was almost gone but the way Danish and Fawad played, it was a treat to watch. Fawad did what he does best, holding up the innings together while Danish played some extravagant shots and was unfazed by the occasion and situation.” Nadeem also praised the captaincy of Asad Shafiq in the event, as well as his improved batting. “I would...
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